The Various Methods of Biofuel Production

In recent years, growing environmental problems have demanded rapid growth in investing in sustainable fuel solutions to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

When fossil fuels are burned, they release significant amounts of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases into the air, which become trapped in our atmosphere and cause the climate to rise.

Many experts believe that the best way to combat climate change is to invest in biofuels. Biofuels are defined as a liquid, solid or gaseous fuel produced by the conversion of biomass such as bioethanol from sugar cane or corn, charcoal woodchips, and biogas from anaerobic decompositions of waste.

The main advantage of using biofuels is that they can be used in existing vehicles as part of our effort to reach net zero emissions.

In this blog:

Different biofuel production methods

Due to the collective push to developing sustainable streams for renewable oil, various pathways to the outcome we have been working towards have been developed. Whilst many of these methods rely on diverting food crops for human consumption to create space for dedicated biofuel crops or disruption into the eco-system especially the use of palm oil as renewable energy which damages tropical forests and endangered species.

At Bisviridi the approach taken for biofuel production is unique and sustainable in ways that no other method is. The crucial distinction that sets this method of extraction apart from those counterparts across the industry is the way oil is extracted from an existing waste stream.

hand holding biofuel pump

Other forms of biofuel often depend on immense levels of land utilisation, critics have accused government support of biodiesel production of “burning food while millions starve”. A report published by the Green Alliance, an independent think tank and charity dedicated to influencing British policymaking in favour of significant environmental change, found that the food used by the UK for biofuel production could feed up to 3.5 million people.

Conversely, the Bisviridi method uses existing food waste as the basis for oil production, meaning that in a time of mass food shortages, there is no need for diverting food for human consumption to fuel a more sustainable future, but instead maximising the existing food waste already amassed.

Picture of Jori Sihvonen

Jori Sihvonen

Clean Fuels Officer at Transport And Environment

“The science is clear: biofuel policies increase food prices. The biofuels industry needs to face the facts that when you use food to fuel cars you increase demand for food and its price. Instead of spreading “alternative facts”, biofuel producers should invest in advanced technologies that does not rely on land grown crops.”

The Bisviridi approach​

Biofuel-dedicated crops are also known to be a contributing factor in hiking up food prices significantly. Over 100 economic modelling studies investigating the impact of food prices from biodiesel production found that the increased demand for biodiesel has driven up the price of a number of vegetable oils within the EU.

As outlined previously, Bisviridi’s oil extraction occurs during the anaerobic digestion process does not demand any need for biofuel dedicated crops, as the oil is extracted from food waste that is already being processed into biogas. 

Far too often when a new biofuel market is launched, consumers are told that it will be comprised mainly of waste, used cooking oils or household waste, but invariably, once the market begins to develop, dedicated crops are established to feed them. Bisviridi strives to distinguish from biofuel solutions providers that claim sustainability credentials but rely on shaky means to justify the end result.

Bisviridi is proud to provide a biofuel solution that is consistently sustainable at every point in the process. To leave fossil fuels in the ground, energy systems must be transformed, including travel needs, modes of transportation, residential fuel economy, and heating methods. Bisviridi’s technology can be a significant first step towards revolutionising sustainable energy production. 

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The Fisheries
1 Mentmore Terrace
E8 3PN