
Why the Anaerobic Digestion industry?

First and foremost; this is where we have the most experience. We have decades of combined experience in the AD industry.

Secondly, this industry is ripe for innovation. Where AD plants can end up dependent on utilities to sell their outputs, this solution is the logical next step in anaerobic digestion plant diversification. There are of course other ways to explore this, including CO2 capture, but we’ve spent our time and energy on how oil extraction can be a gamechanger for diversifying outputs, and therefore, income streams.

Why Oil?

Before we embarked on this journey we were aware of these three facts:

  • Not all oils, fats and greases are destroyed during the AD process.
  • Extracted oil is a valuable product which can be used for a variety of purposes – most notably in the production of sustainable alternative fuels.
  • Oil separation technologies already exist.

Our understanding of these factors meant we could see what we needed to do, and have spent the last three years working hard to discover how to introduce an oil separation process that does not compromise the quality of the other outputs in order to take advantage of this valuable byproduct.

Bisviridi is the result of that hard work.

green oil graphic

What we offer to the anaerobic digestion industry

Diversifying into other industries

It’s not all about food waste. Anaerobic digestion is used globally to treat many different waste streams, including sewerage – sludge, for example – where residual fats, oils and greases can accumulate.

Case Study

Highlights of the King’s Speech: A Royal Commitment to Sustainability

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Get in touch

If you are interested in our services and would like to get touch, please contact us at:

The Fisheries
1 Mentmore Terrace
E8 3PN